Round 27/Changes

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  • Quickstarts redeveloped for all races

General Changes

  • Explore formula coefficients changes to 0.6 (from 0.61) and 1.299 (from 1.305). Costs reverted to near-round 25 levels.
  • Tech costs change to 9500, +100 cost for each tech taken
  • Hourly RP production can no longer be greater than current acres
  • Schools now generate an additional 125 RPs (down from 130) per 1% owned when invading targets 75%+ your size, up to a maximum of 2500 at 20% owned (capped at Acres*5)
  • Raze casualties (for the defender) will now scale linearly from zero casualties at 80% of OP needed to break to full casualties at successful OP for an attack
  • Prestige gain on bots will now be reduced by 10% per hit after the 4th attack (up from 5%)
  • Prestige gains will now be:

  • Defensive casualty reduction is now capped at 80%
  • Halls of Knowledge produces 100 RP/hr. 150k HP tier

Racial Changes

  • Wood Elf rezone costs changed to +10% (from +25%)
  • Orc Savage to 3.5/0, 330p, 20r
  • Lycanthrope Garou converts up to one WW for every 15 Garou sent on attack (from 12)
  • Lycanthrope Werewolves, with spell (Feral Hunger), now converts up to one WW for every 15 WW sent on attack (from 25)
  • Lycanthrope Spec Scavenger cost to 325p (from 300p)
  • Nomad spell, Favorable Terrain, now grants +1% OP for every 1% barren land (from 2% barren land), max unchanged at +10%
  • Nomad construction penalty removed
  • Kobold population growth bonus to 20% (from 10%)
  • Wizard Ratio will now display on Clear Sights vs. Icekin only
  • Dwarf Cleric no longer kills immortal units
  • Spirit max population bonus to 2.5% (from 0%)


  • TBD