Round 42 Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir

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Back with another roundfail. And I was so close to being in a winning realm too lol. Oh well...

For the most part, these will just be my in game journal being pasted here.

Day 1, Hour 1[edit]

Packed with Tidnab, Lud, Mcgeeal, and Weaser. For once I got to play a fast attacker in a full round, although the discussions were anything but smooth. We'll see how it goes...

There were fewer realms this time around due to fewer big packs signing in, and as such the size of the realm became big (15 doms before oop). However, about half or so of these doms were relatively new-ish players. The realm kinda looked eh on the first glance, with a few people unshared advisors right from the start (they had it shared but changed right away), but at least most of them joined our amazing theme of the great Urg the Devourer, so maybe it's a somewhat good sign?!

Stay tuned and find out what happens next.

I wasn't sure about my dom name at first since the urg theme is kinda limiting, until I remembered about the Vikings character Aslaug and decided to use it.

One of the talking points was starting size. Lud insisted that going big (800-850a) is the optimal way, while I didn't want to deal with long delays and preferred to start 700a and hit oop. I mean, playt0i won twice with like 666a start so it definitely worked. In the end I got to have my way and went with a 700a halfling. I was leaning more towards firewalker, but having played halfling in the sprint round before this one, Weaser opted to pick fw.

Ops bitz was another issue where there were debates. For some reason my pack didn't seem to value a dedicated ops bitz too highly, thinking that everyone could just get a bit of ratios for a while. I kept pushing that we needed at least one if we're going fast, especially one that will be around during my online time. In the end Lud abandoned his plan to convert to take the ops bitz role, so respect to that. Mcgeeal went with ftw exploring kobold, while Tidnab picked orc for our late round option.

OOP plan was to make 2 hits, 1 at end of tick. However the easy bots were already gone by around 20 minutes mark, so I went for 1 hit on a player instead. It's a 90% hit so not too bad of a start, I guess...

2024-11-10 00:59:36 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 36 land from Erwin316 (#7).

Day 1, Hour 13[edit]

Found a fatty and made a big hit. Tidnab then doubled on him.

2024-11-10 12:16:44 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 58 land from Henry VIII (#10)

2024-11-10 12:18:38 The Urg-Hai of Barad-dûr (#9) invaded Henry VIII (#10) and captured 50 land.

Meanwhile, Weaser who went with bigger start and delayed hit bounced because he got released...

2024-11-10 21:59:59 Sadly, the forces of The Void is Urganizing (#9) were beaten back by The Pink Panther (#8).

Day 2, Hour 1[edit]

2024-11-11 00:25:34 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 57 land from Hijacker's Guide to Air Force One (#2).

Checked this guy before and he had a lot of drafts, which he fortunately released. The GTC Effect soon took place and he got hit for 5-6 more times. Ouch.

Day 3, Hour 3[edit]

The #6 kobo (Bobbo) is the top op at this moment. I dumped spec op on the hour he hit, 1 minute before hour change. His realmies checked on me afterwards (failing ops at least), but in the end he didn't draft up and left himself open. That feels good.

2024-11-12 02:07:29 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 70 land from Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch (#6).

Day 3, Hour 15[edit]

Found another target that's hittable because they spent their drafts.

2024-11-12 14:13:19 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 66 land from Cold Snap (#8).

FW in #5 (Scratch) tried to follow but bounced.

Day 4, Hour 3[edit]

Wasn't expecting to be able to hit right away on my return, but we found someone light. Weaser followed to double him as well.

2024-11-13 02:15:45 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 64 land from Catherine Parr (#10).

2024-11-13 02:16:42 Victorious on the battlefield, The Void is Urganizing (#9) conquered 63 land from Catherine Parr (#10).

Day 5, Hour 7[edit]

2024-11-14 05:59:53 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 68 land from Let him cook (#1).

Initially we're aiming at the Icekin in the same realm (Sharkey), but there's a bit of uncertainty about things due to 5 fw and 6 kobo pushing op. In the end the icer rezoned some land to safe himself, and we had to switch target to his gnome buddy. I'll take it.

Day 5, Hour 20[edit]

Had another target lined up, but 5 FW left himself open on a bot hit.

2024-11-14 18:59:49 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 69 land from Denzel FWashington (#5).

Day 6, Hour 4[edit]

Weaser went for a hit, but left himself open to 5 FW because he didn't attack right at the end of tick. Things weren't looking too good for him.

2024-11-15 02:43:41 Victorious on the battlefield, The Void is Urganizing (#9) conquered 59 land from Registered to Round 42 (#10).

2024-11-15 02:59:58 Denzel FWashington (#5) invaded fellow dominion The Void is Urganizing (#9) and captured 105 land.

Day 6, Hour 7[edit]

As for me,

Back to back 69 hits, woohoo.

2024-11-15 06:51:46 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 69 land from Mummy Brown (#8).

FW in #3 (Erix) started to push 5:4 threat around this time. About time someone does, I guess.

Day 7, Hour 20[edit]

After some stalling by #3 FW, we found a potential ares drop target. Hour change arrived, and apparently the guy invested to walls the tick before, but didn't recast ares. Not sure if it's an attempt to trap me or not, but if it was, you tried.jpg

2024-11-16 19:01:46 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 72 land from America’s Guide to a Falling Empire (#2).

Unfortunately the FW then hit Tidnab.

The #2 merfolk ate another hit a few ticks later and got locked afterwards. Apparently the guy (seemingly Cronel) released his troops and gts, claiming he mistaken spec dp for drafts and gts for alchs(?!). Okay.

Day 9, Hour 10[edit]

Okay this one was WILD. We found a target for a safe hit, but the guy was awake at that time and he did not one, but TWO last minute investment on his walls. However, after dumping some ores into my forges, I was able to hit just a split second before his second invest, and I got him. It was a pretty fucking nervous time and my chest still pounding even after the hit lol.

2024-11-18 08:59:31 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 78 land from CEO of living rent free in your head (#1).

We got a new castle at :59:34 which showed higher walls that would have make me bounce, so, really it's one hell of a luck I had. Nice try, sir, whoever you are.

Day 11, Hour 15[edit]

Finally found a hit that got me out of #3 FW range (I hope). We lined up a few targets and in the end went with the earliest possible one. I released 100 spec dp to train more spec op since I'm safe (but just barely) from the FW. Thanks to everyone who helped with stabbing the target's drafts!

2024-11-20 13:59:48 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 101 land from Neon Black ⚫️ (#8).

Day 12, Hour 4[edit]

Erix found a hit, but fortunately we also found another right on my return. Credit to Lud for spotting him! I released 50 wizard and trained them as spec op just to make sure. It's fortunate that the guy didn't notice my spec drop.

2024-11-21 03:48:23 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 108 land from Pop (#6).

Day 12, Hour 24[edit]

Another close call hit with draft stabbing playing yet another important role. Kudos to the team!

2024-11-21 23:43:46 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 118 land from Freyr - God of fertility, prosperity, and weather (#7)

In hindsight, this was a bad hit. I pushed like 2k slingers on Lud's advice for this and probably shoulda just trained normally and waited for a better hit, since the guy I hit was a wood elf and I had to rezone tons afterwards.

Day 15, Hour 18[edit]

Things are looking a little gloomy for a bit as we didn't find any target for a few days. To make matter worse, #3 liz (Rio) pumped spec op to threaten a sui. We then noticed that #6 kobo, who already released some of his spec op a while back to save himself from getting hit all in, released his drafts which made him hittable in several ticks.

A lot of calculations were involved during the hit hour which made it quite stressful (even though it's Lud who's doing the numbers lol). Big credit to the realm for helping with killing the kobo's drafts (he released his remaining spec op and invested his resources last minute as well). Couldn't have done it without you, folks!

2024-11-24 16:59:58 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 122 land from Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch (#6).

Day 16, Hour 5[edit]

Rio went for a hit, and Lud had the crazy idea to release 1k spec dp and retrain them as 1k spec op. I went for it and caught the liz on my return as a result!

2024-11-25 04:20:32 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 123 land from Urg-ent: Why Speed is Important (#3).

All credit goes to Lud, since I almost screwed the plan if anything. I was napping and had no idea about it, and when I woke up, I checked my dom first instead of discord and trained some dp instead. I had to trade all my lumbers and most of my ores to make up for the spent plat, but at least it worked out in the end lol.

With most of the decent wonders already taken, armada seems like a good pick due to the discounted guard cost. The unsinkable thing is nice, but for most parts, I got my boats covered with my docks already. The smaller guys in the realm were ready to hit it, but apparently it only took one attack from Blade. Woohoo.

2024-11-26 19:07:13 cheesebURGer (#9) has attacked a neutral wonder!

2024-11-26 19:07:15 The Imperial Armada has been destroyed and rebuilt by Need for Speed: URGderground (#9).

Day 19, Hour 16[edit]

Rio had been preventing me from sending for days, and I feel like I'm dead at this point. I even passed an ares drop hit because I didn't have enough dp. However, he then decided to hit Weaser when he sent (somehow not on end of tick again), thus opening himself to me. Weird decision? Perhaps not. Taking out Weaser probably would benefit his realm more.

2024-11-28 14:58:46 Victorious on the battlefield, The Void is Urganizing (#9) conquered 126 land from Arnold Schwarzeorcer (#5).

2024-11-28 14:59:41 Urg-ent: Why Speed is Important (#3) invaded fellow dominion The Void is Urganizing (#9) and captured 208 land.

2024-11-28 15:04:13 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 149 land from Urg-ent: Why Speed is Important (#3).

Day 23, Hour 6[edit]

After more stallfest I finally found a safe hit as this guy (apprently Jcinnz) entered my range on light dp. Thanks to Lud and Tidnab for doing the calculations as I wasn't on my laptop and had to hit from phone lol.

2024-12-02 02:59:40 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 146 land from 🗲A Pefect Voltorb 💣 (#4).

Day 25, Hour 1[edit]

Woke up and saw Rio suicided #8 sylvan (Mithrandir). Well if he's offering himself, what can a man do.

2024-12-04 00:14:11 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 182 land from Urg-ent: Why Speed is Important (#3).

Day 28, Hour 5[edit]

Made a risky hit in more than one way. We saw that the guy hadn't recasted his ares so we went for it. I had to do it from phone and that made me still shaking for minutes after the hit.

2024-12-07 04:00:24 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 240 land from Cold Snap (#8).

It's not the time to feel relieved yet though cause it looks like #3 liz can sui me in several ticks. We'll see how it goes...

Day 28, Hour 17[edit]

Made it back as #3 didn't seem to be interested in hitting me since other slow doms would gain from the sui. It feels weird using the slow doms as cover as a fast attacker, but as long as it allows me to grow, anything's a fair game.

Day 30, Hour 21[edit]

About 30 mins to hour change I brought up the possibility of ares dropping Cold Snap again. Responses were a little late and we didn't have enough time to completely calculate my dp vs #3 dorf (Calvin), but Lud said to hit first and calc later. We'll see how things turn out...

2024-12-09 20:00:18 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 234 land from Cold Snap (#8).

I think in the end I covered the dwarf's op.

Day 32, Hour 5[edit]

Dwarf in #8 (mris) looked like he's aiming to sui one of the big boys. It happened as expected and I was lucky enough to be able to land the first hit, by mere 2 seconds! He'd have been oor otherwise. Game on.

The funny thing was I noticed the sui potential because I farmed my bounties on the dwarf lol.

2024-12-10 23:59:55 HUg̶h̶J̶̶a̶̶c̶̶k̶̶MAN (#5) invaded Thor - God of thunder and Protector of Ragnar (#7) and captured 232 land.

2024-12-11 04:11:57 The Pink Panther (#8) invaded HUg̶h̶J̶̶a̶̶c̶̶k̶̶MAN (#5) and captured 288 land.

2024-12-11 04:13:14 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 215 land from The Pink Panther (#8).

2024-12-11 04:13:16 Toucan Sam (#6) invaded The Pink Panther (#8) and captured 258 land.

2024-12-11 04:13:22 Victorious on the battlefield, Hiroyoshi (#9) conquered 236 land from The Pink Panther (#8).

Day 33, Hour 4[edit]

Realm 3 sent their sui missiles on #8 sylv and #5 human (Jboy) within a few hours. Crazy stuffs. Too bad I couldn't benefit from it this time as the suiciders were out of range.

2024-12-12 00:54:17 Goose Turd Green 🪿💩 (#8) invaded Bragi - God of poetry and music (#7) and captured 247 land.

2024-12-12 01:49:07 Urg-ent: Why Speed is Important (#3) invaded Goose Turd Green 🪿💩 (#8) and captured 333 land.

2024-12-12 01:59:45 HUg̶h̶J̶̶a̶̶c̶̶k̶̶MAN (#5) invaded Forseti - God of justice and peace (#7) and captured 197 land.

2024-12-12 03:10:27 Caught Red-Handed: Urg Seen Smashing Elven Queen! (#3) invaded HUg̶h̶J̶̶a̶̶c̶̶k̶̶MAN (#5) and captured 318 land.

Day 36, Hour 2[edit]

With me being on life support and getting outrained by all the slow doms, the pack decided that I should sui on #3 human (Gothia). I was expecting the hit by #3 dwarf, but not from #7 orc (Rvv - who's oor before the dorf hit me), which I assumed also leading to the hit by #8 sylvan. It was around 5-6 am when the whole thing happened, so I could only trust my realmies' judgement and in the end it turned out to be a terrible move, to put it lightly.

2024-12-14 21:59:25 Urg’s Urges: How To Smash Responsibly (#3) invaded Catherine Howard (#10) and captured 247 land.

2024-12-14 22:59:56 Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) invaded Urg’s Urges: How To Smash Responsibly (#3) and captured 311 land.

2024-12-14 23:33:47 Urg spotted going all in - no shortcuts! (#3) invaded Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) and captured 421 land.

2024-12-15 00:07:00 Bragi - God of poetry and music (#7) invaded Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) and captured 402 land.

2024-12-15 00:10:25 Goose Turd Green 🪿💩 (#8) invaded Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) and captured 330 land.

2024-12-15 06:59:20 Bruh lewk that snack I'm so thirsty for a smash (#1) invaded fellow dominion Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) and captured 349 land.

Oh well. As always, better luck next round. It was a decent run, I guess.

There were various opinions regarding this move. Some thought it's bad, others said it's the right move. In any case this was the end of my round. It's been a learning experience.

Day 36, Hour 15[edit]

2024-12-15 14:14:48 When in doubt always invest in forges (#8) has declared WAR on Trapped inside this Urgtavarium (#9).

8 warred us to burn Mcgeeal, and possibly taking the wonder as well.

Day 38, Hour 20[edit]

8 took down Armada a few ticks before they could cancel the war for some reason, possibly so they could sink Ineq. I asked the realm if anyone was available to hit it, but there wasn't much response until I took a nap, about 3-4 hrs later lol. Had a bit of long day since I had to wait for a long time in a clinic to get a shot for my eczema. There seemed to be rushed hits on the wonder as the realm was hoping to take it, but #8 finally cancelled with just over half hp down.

I woke up about an hour later and some people understandably got bitter over wasted troops. Timezone sucks. Sleeping sucks lol.

Day 45, Hour 6[edit]

Things were looking doomed over the last week with #8 sylvan closing on Mcgeeal, until some madness happened. #8 bounced on a bottomfeed, then got razed by #6 wood elf (Fett) before the orc (TheThing) hit him. #1 dwarf (Harm) then hit #6 orc, followed by #3 dwarf.

2024-12-24 02:59:47 Snap (#6) fended off an attack from Goose Turd Green 🪿💩 (#8).

2024-12-24 03:59:14 Goose Turd Green 🪿💩 (#8) fended off an attack from Lucky the Leprechaun (#6).

2024-12-24 03:59:19 Toucan Sam (#6) invaded Goose Turd Green 🪿💩 (#8) and captured 478 land.

2024-12-24 04:59:53 My rizz going big on ur thicc sis (#1) invaded Toucan Sam (#6) and captured 433 land.

2024-12-24 05:59:47 Urg spotted going all in - no shortcuts! (#3) invaded Toucan Sam (#6) and captured 400 land.

Things still remained uncertain at this point. Stay tuned for the grand finish?!

Day 47, Hour 11[edit]

Harm hit a greedy sylvan (Grapes) in #6 (a realm which had been feeding him tons of acres) and that pretty much won him the round. He then bf'd on last day to (hitting into the same realm again) to make sure of it. The end.

Day 47, Hour 13[edit]

Apparently it's not quite over just yet for me as #3 dorf suicided #5 undead (Manno) and I decided to yolo to get the last laugh of my round.

2024-12-26 11:49:29 Urg spotted going all in - no shortcuts! (#3) invaded Cryptopher Walken (#5) and captured 512 land.

2024-12-26 11:51:32 Snap (#6) invaded Urg spotted going all in - no shortcuts! (#3) and captured 442 land.

2024-12-26 11:52:29 HUg̶h̶J̶̶a̶̶c̶̶k̶̶MAN (#5) invaded Urg spotted going all in - no shortcuts! (#3) and captured 355 land.

2024-12-26 11:59:43 Victorious on the battlefield, Aslaurg Sigurgsdottir (#9) conquered 377 land from Urg spotted going all in - no shortcuts! (#3).

The hit allowed me to reach another personal best finish (6.4k) and was a nice consolation I guess lol

Welp, so that's it. Things coulda gone better, but such is life. I'd like to thank my packies and realmies for all the support. Too bad we didn't make it in the end. It's my first competitive round and hopefully I can get another try soon enough. Thank you for reading as always.