Round 39 Mris Rubs One Out with Sandpapers

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Woohoo it's the 3rd draft round. Except I'm not joining any draft team and randomed instead. I did land in a draft realm, with Dan and co. Apparently one of their guys didn't sign up in time, so I ended up there instead of my (and toi's) initial guess that I'd be in either Swamp's team or Dave's team which one person short compared to the rest of the teams.

The realm lineup looked like it'd be a decent environment to go fast, but to my surprise, nobody in the team was keen to do so. With ops and timing seemingly going to be an issue according to the earlier talks in the realm chat, I decided to go with sylvan so I didn't have to be overly reliant to others in the ops department. Dan's team went with the theme of insulting other draft captains, but since there wasn't enough captain names for the whole realm, they included Yami and Mris names in the pool as those two were regarded as the captains of their respective pact. Being a late joiner, there's only Mris name left for me so I decided to combine his name and discord tag, sands, and came up with Mris Rubs One Out with Sandpapers. I never fancy using long names for my doms, but it is what it is sometimes.

I'm sure Rush going to cover more about the realm, so I'm just writing my roundfail based on my round's perspective.

I made 3 hits oop, then another 2 on the 9 hr, and one more for the 3rd wave. It was a decent first day, and I noticed that there were quite a lot of attacking sylvans around. The round itself seemed pretty chill, with me trying to stay out of the fast guys' range when I could and hit as often as possible. Nothing particularly worth mentioning about my growth... or the round in general. We did take Halls of Knowledge, and then tried to slow down realm 12's human (Lud) by warring them, but thanks to the amazing blop system we currently have, the guy was still able to maintain over 30k peasants despite being fireballed by two realms. That's right, realms, not doms! (realm 3 piled up on the war after we declared). So much for the two bloppers campaign that had been promoted ever since the change of the fireball system. Once again, amazing system.

In any case, I was able to hit every 3-4 days, even as the round moved towards the end, until the last week when certain twats just train massive op and sit. Once again I failed to reach 6k with just being 1 hit short, although I did get a personal best finish as a consolation. I probably could have done so if I bottomfeed in the last week, but decided against it as it'd feel dirty.

So yeah, another round, another nothing special to write about, the story of my dom career so far. Better luck next round as they say! Thanks to my realmies for all the ops help, and thank you for reading.