Round Changes
Revision as of 21:38, 30 May 2023 by Mannowrath (talk | contribs) (→Round 35 Updates: 1.35.0 (Kobbo & Undead Rework Round))
Round 35 Updates: 1.35.0 (Kobbo & Undead Rework Round)[edit]
- Invasions below 75% no longer cause XP loss
- Discounted construction from invasion now scales up by 1% per day from Day 20 to Day 40 (was 2% per day from Day 25 to Day 35)
- Base dock protection increased to 2.25 (from 2), scaling unchanged
- Increased temporary portion of Lightning Bolt damage to 10% base (from 0% base), conditional 25% from wizard resilience still applies
- Cyclone now awards wizard mastery when rebuilding a wonder at the same rate as wonder prestige, 25-75 based on damage dealt
Race Changes
- Dark Elf Swordsman: -10p, Ascendence now a unit perk
- Dark Elf: new spell Delve into Shadow reduces explore cost by 1% per 100 Wizard Mastery and failed spells refund 50% of their mana cost
- Goblin: gem investment bonus reduced to 15% (from 20%)
- Icekin Ice Elemental: added -10% casualties on offense
- Orc: prestige bonus increased to 7.5% (from 5%)
Race Reworks
- Kobold Reworked
Racial * +30% max pop * +15% pop growth * -25% food consumption * +10 boat capacity Units * Underling, 2.5/0, 300p 25r * Tunneler, 0/2.5, 325p 25r * Taskmaster, 3/3, 1400p, +2 paired with Tunneler * Overlord, 3/2, 1000p 50r, +2 paired with Underling
- Undead Reworked
Racial * +5% maximum population (potentially 2.5%) * +10% mana production * -50% food consumption Units * Skeleton 3/0, 275p * Ghoul 0/3, 300p, -50% casualties * Death Knight 2/5, 1050p, -50% casualties, Converts enemy peasants into Ghouls (up to one for every 10 sent on attack) * Necromancer 5/3, 1250p, immortal, Converts enemy peasants into Ghouls (up to one for every 15 sent on attack) Spells * Cull the Weak: Sacrifice 10% of your peasants (while active, the effects of Harmony and Plague are ignored), Necromancers now convert enemy peasants into Death Knights instead of Ghouls * Raise the Dead: Converts increased by 60% hitting bots below 75% range (half cost of typical racial spell)
Round 34 Updates: 1.34.0 (Draft Round)[edit]
New Additions[edit]
New Wonder: Altar of Heroes
* Hero bonuses increased by 100% * +5% hero experience gains
New Wonder: Wayfarer's Outpost
* +2% platinum production * -5% exploring platinum cost
New Valhalla Rankings: Largest and Strongest solo players
- Prestige formula changed to 100x[RATIO] - 40 + [LAND]/150 (from 120x[RATIO] - 50 + [LAND]/250)
- Tech cost changed to 2.5x[LAND] + 100x[TECHS] (from 2.5x[LAND] + 150x[TECHS])
Spy & Wizard
- Wizard resilience is again gained immediately, 10 per successful fireball or lightning bolt
- Wizard resilience now increases peasant change by [RESIL/125]% of your population deficit
- Fireball damage increased to 2.75% (from 2.5%)
- Lightning bolt repair invest bonus replaced with temporary damage portion based on wizard resilience, [RESIL/40]% of damage is automatically repaired in 12 hours
- Black op spells with duration changed to 8 hours, +2 in war, +4 in mutual war (from 6, +3, +6)
- Shadow League: cannot leave for 24 hours after joining (down from 48)
- 25% of assassins lost to black ops will be placed in the training queue as spies
Race Changes
- Nox: research point generation bonus increased to 15% (from 10%)
- Nox: Nightfall reduced to +5% offense (from +7.5%)
- Goblin Wolf Rider: +25p (from 1275p), +10r (from 100r)
- Goblin Hobgoblin: -25p (from 1050p)
- Halfling: Frenzy casualty reduction increased to 35% (from 30%)
- Firewalker Salamander: casualty reduction increased to 45% (from 40%)
- Orc: gains 5% additional prestige from invasions
- Wood Elf Longbowman: -20p (from 380p)
Quality of Life
- Land spy now shows percentages with incoming land instead of constructed
Round 33 Updates: 1.33.0[edit]
New Additions[edit]
- Ability to automatically perform protection ticks by importing your Excel Sim log
- Minimum war duration changed to 48 hours (from 72), however the invasion bonuses will remain active for 12 hours after war is cancelled
- Maximum war duration changed to 108 hours (from 120)
- Docks now protect 2 + [0.05 x daysInRound] boats (from 2.5 + 0.05 x [daysInRound - 25] after Day 25)
- Spires improvement no longer increases defensive wizard power, only offensive
Spy & Wizard
- Fireball damage reduced to 2.5% (from 2.75%)
- Wizard resilience now takes 12 hours to go into effect
- Wizard resilience now grants and additional fireball damage reduction of [RESIL/12.5]% (cap from all sources remains at 80%)
- Wizard resilience now increases population growth by [RESIL/100]% of your current peasants (was percentage of maximum peasants)
Race Changes
- Dark Elf Adept: changed to .2 wizard on defense (was .25)
- Dark Elf Swordsman: +25p (from 460p)
- Kobold: removed -10% spy/wiz power penalties
- Kobold Beast: -10p (from 960p)
- Lizardfolk Lizardman: +25p (from 1050p)
- Merfolk: explore cost penalty reduced to +2.5% (was +5%)
- Nomad: +50% research point gains from invasion
- Nox: Nightfall increased to 7.5% offense (from 5%)
- Nox Nightshade: changed to 0/2 +1 DP for every 10% swamps (from 0/3 +1 DP for every 12% swamps)
- Sylvan Dryad: changed to .2 wizard on offense (was .25)
- Undead Progeny: -25p (from 860p)
- Undead Vampire: converts up to one Progeny for every 18 sent on attack (from 20)
Tech Updates
- Architect's Flourish increased to -10% construction platinum cost (from -7.5%)
- Carpenter's Knowhow increased to -5% construction platinum cost (from -2.5%)
- Dark Pact increased to 10% mana production (from 7.5%)
- Explorer's Instinct increased to -5% construction platinum cost (from -2.5%)
- Lumberjack's Devotion now grants +2 population from barren land
- Menace increased to +2 mana and +1.5 mana per war (max +5) from +1 mana and +2 per mana war (max +4)
- Midas's Bargain reduced to 2% platinum production (from 2.5%)
- Midas's Fountain reduced to 4% platinum production (from 5%)
- Miser's Grasp now grants +10% defensive spy power
- Planar Emmissaries reduced to 5% mana production (from 7.5%)
- Prefabrication increased to -10% construction cost (from -5%)
- Urg Smash Technique now grants discounted construction equal to 25% of acres destroyed (was platinum refund equal to 7.5% of current construction cost)
- WaveHack's Expertise increased to -10% construction lumber cost (from -5%)