High Caffeine Content R32

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Revision as of 14:55, 8 January 2023 by (talk) (First time fast attacking in full round!)
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Well, here we go again. I thought of randoming again at first, then tried to join a pack, but they were full - and I was only informed of this a few hours before pack registration deadline, around 2-3 am my time. Somewhat fortunately, I have an unusual sleeping schedule so I was awake. I also had an offer from Unfather, who happened to have a slot, and decided to join his gang. This meant Unfather automatically won the "Find Vinn" mini game between him and Templeman, though.

I got into realm 8 for the third time in a row, but it seemed to have its luck with it. Our pack (Unfather, Margoose, Dayvinho, Freeze, me) landed with Rio's pack, which consisted of well, Rio, Oment (which I met in the test round prior to this one), Gothia, Big Bell, and Allegorical - a familiar face. The other realmates were LiragurL (dom name VelleX), who wasn't too active, but helped a lot with wonder bashing, and an undead who didn't join discord or interacted with others in any way, the 'fuck em' category of player. We were later joined by ZachSmack (Behold!) who started late. Unfather's pack decided to go with the theme of 'quotes found in food packagings', and Rio's pack joined the theme as well.

To be honest, I was quite excited to land with the veterans since that opened the possibility to get better at this game by learning from them. The initial talk was for us to go slow, but we ended up having fast attackers as well with Allegorical and me playing lizardfolks. Finally, I had the chance to drive the ferrari that would eventually crash at some point in the round. Woohoo!

OOP in this cycle was 7 am my time, so I was planning to do a delayed hit at like, hour 2 or something. However, I happened to wake up at oop, although there's only like 15 mins to go to hour change by the time I got to my laptop. With not many targets available, it came down to a bot and a player (mris) with a slightly higher dp, and I decided to send some chams to get the later. With about 30 seconds left to hour change, I asked my realmies' opinion and they weren't too fond of the idea since they thought that my dp wouldn't be safe. However, their answers came a little late, which resulted in:

2022-11-20 00:59:59 Victorious on the battlefield, High Caffeine Content (#8) conquered 26 land from Endor (#5).

Yep I yolo'd. First hit of the round and I already took my chance like a boss. I made it back safely, though.

It was quite a ride at the first few days. Being able to hit players on daily basis instead of the usual bot bashing, it gave a sense of power. My timezone kinda made it hard for me to hit at the same time as most other fast attackers, so I missed some of the easy hits and lagged a bit, but at least it was fun, until I made my first major mistake.

2022-11-28 05:10:55 Sadly, the forces of High Caffeine Content (#8) were beaten back by Creep It Real (#4).

Earlier in the day, Allegorical (Refrigerated) hit this guy, who sent some of his Phantom Knights on his attack. Near the end of tick before the bounce, I had a stomachache and had to go to the bathroom and only came out of it after the hour change. I saw that the spirit got hit by someone and it looked like his ares was off. During the test round, I tried to get an ares drop hit and failed because the target woke up in the middle of the tick (like 20 mins in or so), so I rushed getting the ops... and skipped refreshing the bs for some reason. So the spirit's dp ended up being lower then what it's supposed to be, and the rest is history. Allegorical and me doubled the spirit 12 hours later since his ares was off again, but it still hurt me quite a bit.

Gothia (Freeze By Christmas) finished his quick converting goblin and started getting hits, and we get ourselves the Ruby Monolith around this time. However, realm 2, who had just lost their Fountain of Youth to realm 4, warred us immediately to take the wonder. We lost Ruby to #2, but we also managed to slow the top op (and eventual winner), Koopa (Poige) because Allegorical was pushing for 5:4, with me as a potential follow up hit just in case the casualties were enough. Gothia managed to 9 hour during this period, which was pretty good for him. Allegorical eventually managed to landed a sui hit on Koopa a few days later, being the badass that he is, although Koopa was able to hit him in retaliation, along with their lyc, Peach (Erix), and #6 Goblin, Lord (Disco). With Allegorical's round seemingly over, it was my turn to push 5:4 in order to limit Koopa.

2022-12-10 09:02:22 World Police 🚔 (#4) has declared WAR on Turtle Soup, Serves One (#8).

Realm 4 then warred us and blopped Gothia to slow him down. In response, we aimed for their Fountain of Youth, which would lead to continuous war between us and them where the wonder was traded back and forth. Rio (ExpiRatIOn Date) managed to get a war hit on Sloxxor (Members Only), but he got hit by the other spirit in 4, Madness (jboy), who got hit by Koopa earlier. After the first war was over, Oment (Shake Well) made his first hit after finishing his conversion.

2022-12-16 07:36:24 Sorry but those were our towels at the pool... (#4) has declared WAR on Fountain Not Suitable 4 Children (#8).

Realm 4 came back for the fountain, but this time, they went full retard about it. They fb'd me, the only dom who's limiting Koopa's full send at that point, not too long after their lyc, Left Exshit 12 (Wurst) deliberately fed Koopa with an ares drop hit. Collusion?! Collusion! I'm sure I wasn't the only one who thought of the move as so retarded it'd be insulting to actual retarded people. The explanation t#4 gave later on was that they got loads of mana and only did it to kill time while waiting to bash the wonder. I'll leave it to you (the readers) to judge whether that was a bullshit reason or not. Honestly, rather than annoyed, I thought it's somewhat amusing they decided to blop the dom that's already dying rather than focusing on the late round threats like the Gnome, Wood Elf, or Troll. In any case, #4 didn't get punished for their suspicious actS because apparently if people think that you're idiots, you could get away with almost anything.

Moving on...

They retook fountain from us, but we're also taking it back again, because fuck you, #4. We also snared Madness which allowed Gothia to get a juicy war hit on him. Big Bell (75% less Fat) also managed to get a war hit on Two Buttocks, I mean, Two Buttons (Puntti). We got Fountain back, and then...

2022-12-21 14:35:00 Merry Christmas 🎄⛲️🎄 (#4) has declared WAR on Add Everything Together For Your Wonder (#8).

So what happens when the war is over? You don't know? That's when another fucking war begins.

This round, wars had been flying around right from the moment it was enabled, so that altered quote from the maintenance meme actually described the round well. In any case, #4 took the fountain again, and this time we decided not to take it back. However, we gave these twats and even bigger fuck you by doubling their nox, Five Page Esshit, err, Essay (Lamb) via Oment and BB after he somehow stupidly hit Rio who hit Buttocks earlier. Maybe he should write an essay about how to not get fucked by R/R hit as he'd later get his ass pounded again by another WE.

Realm 2's win were pretty much guaranteed at some point, and so Gothia suicided their troll, Denied (Rury), twice so that he wouldn't waltz his way to victory. Gothia fed Koopa in return, but not like it mattered much anymore. As for me, I just took dbs for the remaining of the round while training troops in to get a desired networth at round end.

All in all, it's quite a fun round and I finally learned how to fast attack in a full round. Made some mistakes, but surprisingly I wasn't completely dead for much longer than what I expected at the start of the round. As usual, thanks to my realmies for the ops and advices, and thank you for reading.