Round 41 Jor gumo 8 8 Buzzkill

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To start with, I don't really feel like writing this round's roundfail story for a couple of reasons. However, as far as roundfail goes, it's probably up there among my worst despite it ended up being my highest finish so far (and finally breaking 6k even!) thanks to a bottomfeed at the end.

In summary, I picked Dark Elf because I tried to avoid arbitrary blopping like previous round, and to an extend it somewhat worked. I just bombed at everything else lol. I got hit all in twice within the first week or so, I bounced on a bot, then I bottomfeed at the end to completely fail my "clean sheet" checklist (no getting hit, no bounce, no bf). It doesn't help that there's a lot of shitshow within the round itself that's been covered by other people. I don't think I need to revisit that again even if I'm not really affected by the whole thing.

Better luck next round is all I can hope as always. But as the great George Carlin once said, "the public sucks, fuck hope."