Round 40 Goody Goody Gum Dorf

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Here we go again.

I randomed into a decent looking realm consisted of Downrightdave's pack (Sugarjon,Tidnab,Ed,Scruffier) and Sharkey's pack (Cerbrus87 and Karpatheo), along with other randoms Lamb and M4nus007. As Dave and Jon got fast attacking experience, I thought I could tag along if they decided to go fast. However, they decided to try slow attacking this round so that's that with that. I was initially planning to play dwarf and stuck to the plan since at this point not many races looked appealing to me for one reason or another.

I made a sim that went oop at 730a, hitting several hours later. The first hit was nothing fancy, just a bot. However I did manage to hit a few players for the next few hits and things looked quite decent from my point of view.

  • 2024-06-15 07:36:30 Victorious on the battlefield, Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) conquered 28 land from I did your mom last Xmas (#0).
  • 2024-06-15 19:27:42 Victorious on the battlefield, Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) conquered 35 land from FishTea Nya Wah (#5).
  • 2024-06-16 07:14:38 Victorious on the battlefield, Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) conquered 33 land from ThatStillOnlyCountsAsOne (#2).
  • 2024-06-17 13:48:26 Victorious on the battlefield, Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) conquered 36 land from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (#0).
  • 2024-06-18 03:59:38 Victorious on the battlefield, Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) conquered 38 land from Best alive (#3).

It's just good ol' bot bashing from this point so nothing noteworthy until a few days later where we started talking about getting a wonder. There was a some discussion and a vote which pretty much ended with the majority going for HCT. A rather odd choice if I had to say myself, but the realm reasoned that the full casualties suffered by invaders might make them look the other way. I'm not completely sold but at the very least it looked like a wonder we could keep until the end of the round since there's just so much better choice out there. Kudos to M4nus for organizing the wonder hits and keeping track of the damages and such.

A couple bot hits later, this happened:

  • 2024-06-25 15:48:34 rule #7: Let's Dance before Dessert (#12) has declared WAR on Life is Uncertain. Eat Dessert First. (#7).

That came out as unexpected given we're not a top realm at that point, but did have some potential late threats. They sunk Tidnab who played troll, and for some reason decided to fireball me instead of our converters. It was relatively early in the round and my ratios were still weak so there's not much I could do but to endure the blasting and wait for rejuvenation to kick in. Apparently that didn't stop those fuckers either since they kept going. What a bunch of griefing morons. I decided that I'm going to hit their realm as often as I could from that point.

When the war was finally over, we found a target on low food in realm 3 (Damdred) and swarmed him, which lead to the poor guy getting piled on and ultimately abandoned.

  • 2024-06-29 09:01:19 Victorious on the battlefield, Syl's Rainbow Sorbet (#7) conquered 96 land from Mortality Gives Meaning To Human Life, Captain. (#3).
  • 2024-06-29 09:59:19 Victorious on the battlefield, Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) conquered 85 land from Mortality Gives Meaning To Human Life, Captain. (#3).
  • 2024-06-29 10:35:28 Victorious on the battlefield, Leviathan Lemon Lime (#7) conquered 77 land from Mortality Gives Meaning To Human Life, Captain. (#3).
  • 2024-06-29 13:04:33 Victorious on the battlefield, Chilli Dark Chocolate (#7) conquered 68 land from Mortality Gives Meaning To Human Life, Captain. (#3).
  • 2024-06-29 14:10:32 Victorious on the battlefield, Rocky T(r)oll Road (#7) conquered 67 land from Mortality Gives Meaning To Human Life, Captain. (#3).

From this point I was able to hit just players, starting with a back to back hit on the fuckers from realm 12

  • 2024-07-02 05:19:27 Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) invaded I have the sauce! (#12) and captured 96 land.
  • 2024-07-04 13:59:19 Goody Goody Gum Dorf (#7) invaded Rule 2e: Thou Shalt Scan BarKodes Properly (#12) and captured 111 land.

That felt good, but with realm 2 running away, things weren't looking kinda meh in the long run. Lamb and his sylvan was looking decent at least, and then...

  • 2024-07-06 20:02:37 Your mom: Now Servicing M̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶s̶ Everyone! (#11) has declared WAR on Taking Back Sundaes (#7).

Ed who played wood elf ate the majority of the blops this time, but some fucker did some lightning bolts on me, what a twat. I dislike lightning the most for obvious reason (if you know me, that is), but at least I didn't get too many of them. Things were looking a little red afterwards. Dave found an aresless target, but entered #2 kobo (Rury)'s range as a result and got smacked all in when his land arrived. I hit an inactive dark elf in 12 after the realm starved him, and Sharkey followed a few ticks later... only to get tripled as he left low dp. However, this event led later led to 9 vampire (Ivetza) being hit by 13 human (Chunk), after their realm sunk #2 lycanthrope (Erix). 2 and 13 were at war and 13 dwarf (Psychosophy) was able to get in the lyc's range after hitting Sharkey to assist with the sinking. Ivetza then threw tantrum and sui'd #10 wood elf (Noah86), resulting in him donating tons of acres to many people including Lamb, Dave, and Jon. So maybe, that sui by Sharkey somehow worked out for the better. It's kinda funny how things in dom worked sometimes eh.

Soon enough it's crunch time, and it's only a matter of time until I'm dead due to the race's inefficiencies. Lamb was looking really strong after he got a back to back hit on #6 sylvan (Empoy), but ultimately he got screwed by #4 human (Weaser) who decided that it's a good idea to hit a contender while also feeding himself to #2 kobo, ultimately sealing the win for him. #2 icekin (Mithrandir) then just sat and train massive op to prevent the other humans from sending, leading to the usual boring last day. Lamb was doing similar thing although he's hoping to get back at Weaser. With a lot of uncertainty about what is safe, I decided to hit #5 merfolk (Martinum) for my last hit, which earned me a personal best finish at 5775 (explored 1 acre to round it up), but ultimately I'm once again short of the elusive 6k finish. I probably shoulda waited for the last few hours as #12 troll (Zar) then sent with a hittable dp and hitting him would have gave me enough land to reach 6k. Such is life. Just when I thought disable would happen early again, it didn't. Collusion, I'd say!

All in all, it was a somewhat roller coaster of a round which ended on a rather bittersweet note. I'll just blame the fuckers in realm 12 cause they deserved every bit of hate for being twats. Thanks to all my realmies for the ops, support, and such, and thank you for reading.

Until next time.