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(Weird round, fun round)
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Latest revision as of 12:08, 22 June 2022

Well, what a weird round that was.

I set myself one goal after last rounds bitter failings - don't screw up in the first week.

I'm pleased to say that I didn't. In fact I had the best start I've had in my dominion history and set a personal best for land size and finishing position!

I packed with Margoose and landed with Templeman, Thing, AJ and Jakool again (+new packie Cents)! We were joined by Full Garous and Winterr, and randoms Afganu, MustaschelessLuigi. We decided to run with my Arnie quotes theme and I played Sylvan after some discussion in realm about this being a possible blops heavy round and us needing that extra WPA.

My round started with a bang when I managed to triple hit OOP, then 9 houred (only 200 OP off of a double with my 9 hour!). I managed to 9 hour several times before needing to slow down behind the emerging powerhouses. This catapulted me into 1st place for prestige for a while (fun!)

As the fast attackers took over I knew I needed to stay efficient and limited my spec D to a low number. Staying efficient with Sylvan actually allowed me to keep my plat income really high and I was never far behind the fastest fast attackers, eventually ending up with one major threat in range - Alison Brie.

We ended up sat for a good couple of days before I got fed up of his massive OP pushes and decided to call his bluff. Luckily several others followed my example immediately. I managed to 9 hour again and this put me In a great spot.

Garou then became a threat but I managed to make another hit quite quickly, banking on Garou and Brie not wanting to feed Shaggy their acres. At this point Templeman had finished his convert and Cents wasn't far behind. Things troll was picking up and Full Garous bottomfeeding UD was going strong.

From here on, #4s lead just strengthened. Desolation became another huge threat and I went from nearly defending Shaggy enough to hit whilst in his range, to completely stuck.

When I made a hit and got hit by Crucifix who was almost the same size as me I realised that I'd reached a sticking point with sylvan, where not having any mods makes things quite hard in the later game. Despite this I managed to limp to a 5k finish and a personal best.

Great round. New goal: be relevant at the end of a round.

Thanks for reading. See you out there!